Saturday, January 17, 2009

OS Ideas: Tagging FS

I'm sure this has been thought of, and probably implemented, but here goes anyway:
The idea is for each "file" in a filesystem to be tagged instead of put into a hierarchy, and the tags themselves are used as the organizational structure. Tags will be just one of the attributes allowed to each file, so adding meta data will be easy, and even encouraged.

Add to this the ability to organize tags into hierarchies or graphs and you have all possible organizational models available to the user.

Finally, search will be the default mode of finding a file - either by its contents, or its attributes, with tags getting special status.

Other applications: version could be another special tag understood by the file system framework, allowing files to be versioned intrinsically.

All of this of course, will be horrendously slow; but wonderfully flexible as a result :)

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