Sunday, January 25, 2009

I wonder if there's antisocial networking, and webapps for that

I'm a reluctant participant in the whole social networking thing. Must be my INTJ personality type. But as I get connected into facebook and its ilk, I wonder: how about antisocial networking?

How about a bad mouthing network? This was an idea that i got separately as well - a venting wall where anybody can enter some person's name, and rant on how that person ruined their life, and how they hope that person went to hell. I'd call it, which should be obvious to anybody from bangalore.

but as i think about it, the possiilities are endless. How about an anti-facebook? When you login, it'll tell you how many new people are not your friends, and therefore you can safely ignore. It'll have an app called fortress of solitude, where nobody can get you (except maybe lex luthor).

Tongue in cheek post, this; but shows my frustration with the whole social networking thing. Do we really need to know everthing everyone is doing right now?

Update: I googled anti social networking after I wrote this up, and apparently this is a solved problem.

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