Thursday, December 01, 2011

I visited JavaFXville and all I got was this post

I tried to write an FLV player in JavaFX today.

I tried very hard.

I didnt get very far. Or when I did, it was not obvious how far I actually had.

It all started with me looking for a trustworthy way of downloading Youtube videos - you known, the Randy Pausch kind. To share with my team easily.

Googling for Java and FLV showed that JavaFX spoke FLV natively. Awesome. I'd heard enough of JavaFX in its previous incarnation as F3 to think it was worth a shot for a weekend project. Not to mention this is the closest that one can get these days to simple declarative GUI.

Of course, I'm sadly backed up on the news front. Oracle, in its infinite sagacity, decided that the declarative DSL was to go; replaced by a Java API. So what looked like a simple sample in the 1.3 documentation morphed into this beast of boilerplate in 2.0.

But wait, there's FXML - the Oracle blessed replacement for FXScript, right? It IS XML, but its still declarative, right?

Wrong. Conjuring up the right incantations to get MediaView instantiate a Media object is obviously beyond me. I've never liked XML as a UI description language and this abomination only stokes that feeling.

So I give that up and get back to the POJO version; which works for the sample FLV they provide.

So I proceed to download a Youtube video using a Sourceforge-based downloader (also Java) and the bloody thing doesnt load. Maybe the downloader is broken?

I dunno. The code looks like its doing multiple passes on the embed element's params; and justifiably so because that value's a snakepit of multiple URL encode sessions. Security by obscurity, perhaps?


Its 4 in the AM, and all I have to show for my efforts is this blogpost.

Final nail in the coffin: I now read that JavaFX has spotty support for Linux. The whole intent of this was to create something in Java so that I can share it with my linux-using team.


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