Metalysis: The analysis paralysis that results from thinking about meta and meta-meta programming. A prime sample
language = domain model + syntax (template + css)
the model till now describes:
- the elements of the language
- how to display/edit it
but the editor's interaction model is fixed based on the meta model
so true language editor is
language editor = domain model + display model ie syntax (template + css) + interaction model (javascript behavior)
now this behavior could be modeled as a domain language itself, but for it to be useful, it would need something that can execute the domain, not just understand and allow its editing
so true language = domain model + editing model (display model + interaction model) + executor (interpreter/compiler)
So I should just create the meta model and its interpreter, and running it will spit out my language editor, ready to run!
This is when I came back to the ground and started writing an event loop and handler. Nothing like normal GUI programming to make you realize you're nothing special!
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