Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dependency Hell: There has to be a better way

I have just given up on trying to install Open Head Tracker - an open source eye gaze tracker. I've been researching head tracking software to see if my aunt who's currently paralyzed can use something like this, and naturally started checking out the open source offerings available; and given that she's in India, I wanted to look for a Windows solution as that's easier to purchase, service etc for non-technical people.

So open gazer is based on technologies that are cross-platform: Python, Numpy, OpenCV and Qt. The original was tested on Ubuntu, and the author expresses the sentiment that since all the underlying software is cross platform, and the software itself is in python, it should work on other platforms.

He's right in principle. In practice he is so wrong its not funny.

Unlike the linux world, you usually install binaries on windows; you just do. Its a wimpy, windows-y thing. Sorry. All windows software comes that way - and then you deal with Registry hell :)

And although each of the packages above were available as binaries, they were just not a compatible set. 2 days of trial and error later, I got the Mingw compiled release of the right version of each package to be installed and tested individually.

That didn't mean they worked together to show up Open Head Tracker's display. I still get a segfault on cvResize (after debugging through the source - thank god for scripting languages!) and I have no clue why. The only option remaining is to disable use of SSE.

The only way to do that? Compile from source.

If my experience with trying to build Chrome is any indicator, that's another wild goose chase into build-time dependency hell.

There has to be a better way!

Sidebar: The last two days have been a heady roller coaster ride through Numpy and OpenCV code, however. I dont understand most of it - mainly because I was just trying to get Headtracker to work, but there's some cool stuff in there, including in Headtracker's deceptively small codebase. Qt's demos make it look really cool too - too bad the days of the Desktop are done now. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Pinning PortableGit to the Windows 7 taskbar

Microsoft, in all its sagacity, decided that you couldn't pin batch files to the Windows 7 taskbar - something that people have been doing for ages, and have come to like.

Googling for the problem showed three main approaches:

  • Converting batch files to exe - bad
  • Putting all batch files in a folder and making a toolbar out of the folder - less bad but still yucky
  • Tricking W7 into thinking its an exe by opening up the hidden folder that contains the taskbar (Win-R, "Shell:user pinned" will get you there), and adding the shortcut manually. This didnt work except for briefly adding said shortcut to the taskbar, which disappeared soon.
Since all I needed was to have a one-click access to Portable Git, I thought maybe the executable could be called directly, so I ran git-bash.exe to test it out. pwd and exit would work, but not even ls. 

So then I looked at what git-bash.bat did extra. Turns out all it does essentially is to add some params to the call to the executable. So here then, is the solution:
  • Select %PortableGitHome%\bin\bash.exe, and drag it to the taskbar
  • Rt click to show the pin menu, and rt click again on bash to reveal the properties window.
  • Change the Target to "%PortableGitHome%\bin\bash.exe --login -i"
  • For bonus points, change the icon to a Git-specific one. You could use the one from GitGUI, or a free alternative one
Note: %PortableGitHome% is not a real variable, replace with your install dir.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

TDD is an all-or-nothing proposition

I've been reading "Growing OO Software with tests" and trying to implement TDD practices in my projects, and I arrived at the sentiment that's the title of this post.

Let me explain.

Non-TDD is easy and alluring because you can choose to ignore certain errors. This is decidedly unprofessional, but in the early stages of the project its invaluable. When you're trying to get your feet wet, and feel around the solution space, you DO want to know the big things in the design you're missing, but you dont want to know EVERY thing you're missing.

Since TDD implies executing code, you do have to fix everything that you've missed before you get to the interesting bits; and that is why I say TDD is an all or nothing proposition - you have to fix each and every bug in your straw man code before you can get it work.

Usually, some of this extra burden is taken care of by the TDD framework that you're using - a typical TDD tool assumes a particular environment (eg, Rails), and has the support that makes most of this go away, but for environments that don't have such support - Javascript-in-browser or console apps come to mind - building the framework while building the app gets to be tedious and frustrating.

That's not to say that even with TDD tools this burden doesn't go away - its just lesser. It'd be much nicer if you could "ignore" errors that aren't crucial to early stage prototyping. For now, I solve the problem by having a prototyping phase/spike which isnt TDD based where I flesh out the solution concepts in throw away code.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Testing RIAs using pure javascript: the return of Selenium Core

As I try to use TDD to build Fluent, I was drawn to the concept of keeping the environment pure: Fluent is intended to be a Javascript only project, so I didnt see the point of having tools that were not javascript. To this end, I wrote cuke4jas - so that I can write my feature specs in javascript. That still leaves the gaping hole of DOM testing - which most people seem to fill using something like Selenium.

Except Selenium isn't  javascript alone - it minimally need Java (for Selenium RC) to run.

Or does it? Selenium core - the central piece of Selenium is STILL pure javascript; but over the years its been wrapped with the other Selenium bits to make it a complete solution that its no longer available as a separate download even. This is not without reason - the same origin policy ensures that Selenium Core will work only when you've installed it alongside the app that you want to test, which is usually not the case.

Except in cases like mine - where the app is completely in javascript, or at least completely in the browser.

It is possible to use the raw dom functions, or even libraries like Prototype, JQuery or RightJS directly with jasmine to test the DOM, but Selenium core brings to the table the full-fledged support of automating all the user's actions in a browser (with wait versions as well), so that feature specs can be written with true user actions, not imitations of those actions by calling the functions that would eventually be executed.

Design notes:

  • Extract out only the selenium-core bits from any Selenium-RC package. This would be the in selenium-remote-control-xxx\selenium-server-xxx/selenium-server.jar/core
  • Subclass the TestLoop class (see HTMLTestRunner for a good implementation), and implement at least the nextCommand(), commandComplete(), commandError() and testComplete() functions. That should allow for a simple executor of selenium commands.
  • Of course, TestLoop requires a CommandFactory, but the core has a default implementation that does most (all?) of the work.
  • Finally, the subclass will have to take in an array of commands to execute, which nextCommand would provide when requested.
The good part of all this is that you don't need to depend on the TestRunner.html, and therefore can contain all of this within Jasmine/Species/Cuke4jas's Specrunner.html, or even open up a new window and display the app running there.


  • All of this still requires a web-server; the same rules prevent file:/// resources from being used with selenium. I've fixed it with a simple webrick script, although any other web server would work just fine.
  • Once more, this will work only on files served up from the same server as the selenium files are served up from.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

The need to code - my version

JaccquesM (long timer on  Hacker News) posted about his need to code in a passionate article that resonated with me a lot.

My experiences were similar, if not the same.We had some simple computer classes in school which were mostly spent playing Digger and Frogger, but we wrote some basic programs too. There was something visceral about writing something on a screen, and seeing it come live. Basic as a language and DOS Basic as an environment nailed that aspect - and how! You started the pc, typed basic on the prompt and were dropped into an editor that let you type programs that just ran! And BASIC made no presumption of modularity, so you could just use graphics commands in your program because the language had them.

Compare that to any attempt these days to teach programming to kids - all bound up libraries to be imported before the first step taken - and i'm including specific attempts like shoes et al.

When it came time to pick an elective for Pre-University I decided to pick up Computers simply because I didnt want to do Biology, and the other option - electronics - I was neutral about. The instructors were indifferent, and the syllabus was not that great, but I was hooked. I found a friend who also knew basic and we devoured the Peter Norton book on x86 programming. We'd write assembly programs using Peek and Poke in Basic - mainly TSRs for the fun of it. Our other project was writing a 2D graphics editor in Basic. This took us all year because we wrote it on paper using pencils (to erase out and rewrite lines of code that needed to be shifted), and went to another friend's house to use his dad's pc to enter the programs and see it run. There were a lot of GOSUB XXX lines (read sphagetti code), but we pretty much carried the code in our heads and didnt stop talking about it. We finally did manage to get it working, and I believe I still have the batman portrait I drew using it. Have you ever printed anything by calling the DOS interrupt to dump the screen to the printer? That was what our editor's print function did :)

We graduated to Pascal from there because it was in our syllabus, and quickly discovered the joys of Turbo Pascal and all its cool extensions - especially the asm blocks and the graphics libraries. Of course, we wrote fractal programs and marveled at fractint.

From there it was to Turbo C - to revel in the freedom of C. I remember my first C program being pretty mundane - it converted a number into words. The challenge was that it had to print out the number in the Indian way of doing so which is not the simple thousands, millions, billions model. Instead we have the thousands, lakhs, crores model; and I remember agonizing over it to make it work. Mind you I still didn't have a computer, so this was all still paper and pencil and mental debugging.

Here's why I completely agree with Jacques that coding is a drug: I was so happily engrossed in doing it that I didnt get good enough overall scores to get into a CS bachelors. So I picked mechanical instead, and focused on the areas that were computer centric - Finite Element Method, Graphics etc. My interest in graphics had led me to read up the Schaum's book on Computer Graphics and I already knew the vector math for those pieces long before we did vector math. When we started doing engineering drawing using pencil and paper, projection systems were already familiar to me - because I was on my way to build my own 3d Graphics engine using Turbo C++. All thanks Robert Lafore for making OO click for me. No other book since has made it so lucid, at least for me.

That's the other thing - books. Unlike today, there was no easy access to books in India. My best source were the scores of street booksellers who sold old books - and what a treasure trove of books they had. I learnt of Russian expert systems and computer architectures like nothing else, of APL the language in a book written by Iverson, tons of old British computer magazines that introduced me to editors like Brief and Hypercard-clones, and whole lot more - in all a heady whiff of the ocean of opportunity that lay outside the staid old land of E.Balaguruswamy and Yashwant Kanetkar (these are probably still revered in Indian academia). Sadly, those booksellers now exclusively sell pirated Harry Potters and self help best sellers, but thankfully there are Indian editions of good books nowadays.

But I digress. Throughout my undergrad my only access to computers was at college - so most of it was spent trying to get as much lab time as possible. Lots of social engineering went into this endeavor (sucking up to the CS Dept head to allow use of their lab, helping the lab assistant in the Robotics lab to use the only Sun machine, etc), and pretty little code came out, but it was a heady time because anything was possible. I did manage to get the basic 3D graphics engine working (it proudly spun a sphere around, IIRC), and managed to present a paper on (what is now obviously basic) AI at the Computer Society of India Student convention while doing mechanical engineering.

Fast forward to today: I've been an IT professional for 13 years now. I still code as much as possible at work (architecture/design decisions or helping my teams with complex fixes), but I have a healthy github account, and some more side projects at work. Coding makes me happy. I dont want to stop.

Thanks JacquesM for helping me remember why I do this.